
Kent County Schedule

Need a ride to Centreville, Sudlersville, Denton or Chestertown? Check out QACCR North Route


Route 4 stops at 5:50 PM at Redner’s in Chestertown.

Passengers needing to travel to Fairlee or Rock Hall should contact the Kent County Dispatcher 24 hours in advance.

Call: 410-778-5187.

** Call-in at least two hours prior to pick up time, no later than 3 PM. 410-778-5187

Route in service M-F, 5:05 AM-5:50 PM


La ruta 4 se detiene a las 17:50 en Redner’s en Chestertown.

Los pasajeros que necesitan viajar a Fairlee o Rock Hall deben

comunicarse con el despachador del candado de kent con 24

horas de anticipacion. Llame: 410-778-5187.

** Llame al menis dos horas antes de la hora de recogida, amas tardar a las 3 PM.


Ruta en servicio L-V, 5:05 AM - 5:50 PM

Route 4 Bus Stops

Delmarva Community Transit

Delmarva Community Transit (DCT) is the public transit system for Kent County and is operated under Delmarva Community Services. The DCT team is committed to assisting and increasing the transportation and mobility options of our county residents. Our staff is committed to providing quality transit services for the general public and specialized services for seniors and persons with disabilities who are unable to use the fixed-route public system.

Americans with Disabilities

Act (ADA): All vehicles providing services are wheelchair accessible, we accept all wheelchairs that can be safely accommodated by our buses and our drivers that are trained to help with special needs. In addition, door-to-door services

are available to individuals with disabilities and disabled visitors who are not served by or who cannot use existing fixed or deviated route bus services. Upon notification, both Delmarva Community Transit and Queen Anne’s County

Ride will consider requests for reasonable modification to its existing ADA service practices or policies in order to ensure accessible services.

Deviated Fixed Routes

DCT manages 12 deviated fixed routes which operate on a time schedule. Route 4 includes transportation to and from Rock Hall, Fairlee, Chestertown, Kingstown, Church Hill, Centreville and Easton. Drivers may deviate off the route for any rider if the deviation is within 3/4 of a mile. Please call dispatch at 410-778-5187 or 886-330-6878 for more information about deviations.

No Bus Service:

Martin Luther King’s Birthday, Presidents Day, Veteran’s Day, Good Friday, Columbus Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Day After Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day

For exact bus stop locations, information and complaints on service:

Delmarva Community Transit


Phones operated from 8:00 AM- 4:00PM, M-F

For additional information: